Monday, May 7, 2012

Congrats to two special Seniors.... :)

   I had the privilege of taking senior pictures of two very special people. My sister Lindsey and my friend Katie.  I don't really feel like they should be old enough to graduate, but they are.
                                                                     Lindsey and Katie
Even though I surpassed her in height, Lindsey is still my big sister. We don't get along all the time, but we have plenty of good times to make up for that. She can be shy and is usually labeled as such ,but I know differently. Unlike some kids who have a difficult time with their older sibling(s), I always loved mine. Lindsey came up with the best games when we were little. If she wasn't reading a book she was playing with me.                                                             Lindsey and Me :)
 One time when we were little (older than we were in the picture above) she made a club that one could only get in if they drank some tea. I do NOT like tea. I was also extremely gullible, and I think she knew it. I made my way into the kitchen and asked for a cup of tea. After one repulsive sip, I quickly made my way to our room and told Lindsey I was now in the club! I don't think there actually was one. Anyway, Lindsey and I have quite grown up and I don't think I'll ever be drinking tea for her or anyone again. :) We are the best if sisters and come up with the best things that we usually laugh about till we're doubled over or collapsed on the floor!
   Getting a bit more serious, Lindsey ,after prayer and discussion with our parents, will not be going to college. Instead she will be staying home and will be pursuing her writing and  beginning a home based business with my mother dealing with essential oils.

A few of her senior pictures and her ring.

Moving on to Katie. When I was in sixth grade we came up with the nicknames Kitty and Kitty Jr. Her being Kitty and me being Kitty Jr. That is where our friendship began.
After about four years of being friends I've really gotten to know her. She is a great friend and life is never dull when around her! She has a beautiful voice and will be singing in the ASU Beebe choir when she goes to school in the fall. She's about as gullible as I am which makes things very fun for both of us. ;) Here is a story about her from one of my facebook statuses.
So Katie Haynes was rinsing the car today and the water hose just kept messing up! Little did she know that in the background I was kinking and unkinking the hose.... And she still doesn't know that. Neither does she know what kinking the hose is!!!! lol ILY KItty!!
  Katie will be going to ASU Beebe in the fall, and has a full ride scholarship I believe.

 A few of Katie's pictures including her ring.
                      All that to say congratulations Lindsey and Katie!!! I love ya'll!! <3
The other day on the trampoline:
     Lindsey to Katie: You know, now that we're grown ups we'll have to start acting like it.
     Katie: (Stares off in space for a moment) Hahaha!!!!!