Monday, March 26, 2012


       I really have no clue where to begin with this post. I suppose I should begin with telling you a bit about myself. As you can see my name is Lauren. I am 15 and an avid photographer. My middle name,Elisabeth, is spelled with and s instead of a z which is very unusual. The only other person that has the same spelling as me is Elisabeth the mother of John the Baptist. I quite like it! I LOVE cats!!! I have no idea why I like them so much. I guess it's because they are so cute!!! 
       Moving on to something a bit more serious, why I started this blog. As I said I am an avid photographer. About two years I got my first camera and rarely ever parted with it! I like to take pictures of nature (and my cats) more than anything. God's creation never ceases to amaze me! I'm thankful he gave me the gift of being able to creatively capture a very minimal portion of it. In today's world people so rarely stop to see the beautiful things that God gave us. The name of my blog ,A Life Worth Living, was what I chose because God gave me a life worth living. God has blessed me with a wonderful family and wonderful friends. He has a plan for my life ,and is slowly but surely showing his plan to me bit by bit. God gave me a life to live fully and completely for him. Any life that is lived for God's glory is certainly a life worth living.  

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