Thursday, August 9, 2012

Summer = busy!!!

Hello again!!! I really truly meant to update on how my summer was going, but alas I have not... I am here now going to give a little summery of my SUPER busy summer.
First week of June it was off to Fayetteville for a mission trip. My youth group helped put on a sports camp for Pathway Baptist Church.
(My youth group after a long hot day of work.)
 The next week we had a wonderful group of kids at church for Bible school. I  The third week I got to go to a family reunion and see most of my cousin that I haven't seen in what feels like forever!!
(These are only a few.)
The last week was Teen Camp at Budd Creek. Sadly there are no pictures for that... But I do have a picture of my cat Buckles who got a lovely lion hair cut for the summer. :)
What can I say, he's a cutie!!! :)
July was fairly exciting as well. I got both bottom wisdom teeth out! That went well. Thankfully I didn't get dry socket. I also had to say good bye (well, at least till Christmas) to my wonderful friend Krissy. My sister, a friend, and I went to spend the night one last time before she left. 

 Right Jessica and Karissa-  
(This was their first 
time bowling)
And on the left is
the result of following
an idea you had at 
11:30 and night. Don't worry, 
it's just cool-aid. :)

We're going to miss her!! :)
Well, here it is August and school will be starting up soon. I don't know about you, but I'm somewhat ready to start. I'm ready for a schedule. I will be able to plan my days better and hopefully spend my free time in a more productive way then I've used the bits of free time I had this summer. I'm going to see my Grandparents one last time before school starts though. My grandfather (on my Dad's side) is turning 80 next week! I am so blessed to have both sets of Grandparents still living.
Before I go, let me leave you with a verse. Philippians 4:8- "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." We get so busy going places and doing things, they may even be for God, but even then I think we still sometimes forget about God. We get so caught up in what we're doing for him we forget to have a relationship with him. Talking to him, learning about him,and meditating on him. It's so important to keep him and the things of him which are pure, lovely, and just, on our minds lest we lose sight of him. 

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