Monday, August 27, 2012

The Gift of Friendship

  Way back, in the days of fourth grade, (Okay, so maybe that's not to far back.) I had my last year at the school I had been going to ALL my life! I left all the wonderful friends I had known for forever, but one in particular I missed most. Lets call her Bri. I loved Bri to death! She was one of my absolute best friends. I was going to write to her and keep in touch, at least that's what I thought. I missed her so much and thought about her often. Even after six years I still remembered her, and now that I'm older I knew I could do something about it. I had to. A feeling inside me was urging me to do something. So I did. I didn't quite know it at the time. A comment on a picture on her Mom's profile on Facebook and I received a message from her Mom saying that Bri wanted me to text her. Well, I could have flown then, but I quickly came back down. I don't have texting. Hmmmm.... "What's another form of communication that she's bound to have?" Email!!! I got a message back with her email address and immediately sent her a message. Her message back made my day! Regardless of how long it's been since I've talked to her, she's still my friend.
  Friendship is an interesting thing. On occasion it just happens, but there is always an effort that must be put forth to maintain it. My closest friends never fail to bring me joy. I may not deserve their friendship, but they lovingly give it anyway. Well, I was wanting to find a poem about friendship to go with this post, and after a bit of searching I found the perfect one.

                                                   The Miracle of Friendship
                                            There is a Miracle called Friendship
                                                That dwells within the heart
                                             And you don't know how it happens
                                                     Or when it even starts.

                                                But the happiness it brings you
                                                    Always give a special lift
                                               And you realize that friendship 
                                                   Is God's most precious gift.